Tiny Little House Update #18

Last week we had relatives to stay and had no extra room in the 'big house' so my auntie stayed the week in the tiny house. Which was nice to see that the house also works from a very praactical sense. she left a wee comment here about her stay here.https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=1271180231483259920&postID=4359084375447320874&isPopup=true. I also put bamboo rollup blinds on all the windows apart from the kitchen and bedroom windows .It wasnt really practical in the kitchen as they would be difficult to clean off food /water splashes. I made another small blind for the bedroom out of the offcut from the kitchen blind to save a bit of money.. We also got a nice clock for £5 from a sale that hangs above the door and fits in with the house well i think. Handy as it can be seen from every room in the house! where else but in a tiny house Would that be possible!!

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