Tiny Little House Update #9

This past week I have been busy as ever on the tiny little house. mainly most of my time has been taken up getting clued up via books from the library on electrics i had a basic knowledge anyway but wanted to make sure i got it all right. Heres a list of jobs that i have done this past week:

  • Finished all the wiring and fittings and tested.
  • Installed the water tank and plumbing (the water tank is actually made out of a standard expansion cistern for a domestic cold water tank.
  • Fitted pvc wetwall cladding in the toilet/shower room and also t&g ceiling
  • Fitted the toilet light and extractor fan system...the fan is connected above in the space above the shower room and extracts through the light fitting.
  • fitted the toilet cistern and also a small hot water heater for hot tap water...I still havent worked out exactly what to do about shower hot water but there is plenty of space in the roof of the shower room to fit that a later date but as you can see in the picture I have fitted a shower rail in the shower room ready to be hooked up once the time comes. this was yet again free as i had it lying around in the garage after it was removed from an old house where the electric shower broke.
  • Insulated the whole house with glass wool.(itchy stuff so i got my dad to do it)
  • Cladded most of the internal areas and loft area.
  • I also fitted a small cold water tap in the kitchen worktop.

All of these pictures and more are also on the progress in pictures page as usual. cheers

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