Tiny Little House Update #3

Yesterday i spent making and fitting the door and window casings fairly straight forward . I also went out and bought the roofing sheets , I chose black corrugated bitumen sheets they are cheap very light and easy to fit and also come with a 15 year gaurantee. the sheets came to a total of £100 ($140) but were out of stock of the ridge pieces so am currently 3 short. Today i had a very productive day making and fitting all the door and window facias , the roof (- 3 ridge pieces) i also got the gable facias and gutter facia made and fitted .I also decided to put i strip of the same wood along the bottom line of the house to prevent any of the bottom of the cladding getting damaged and i also think it looks pretty good it gives the walls a good outline. I have added these and more pictures to the 'Progress In Pictures' page on the left hand menu . cheers. Feel free to comment or make any suggestions .

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